Upcoming Events
September 2024
  • 18Secondary Assembly - 2:30pm
  • 19Primary School Assembly - 2:30pm
  • 20End of Term 3 - Finish 3:00pm
October 2024
  • 7Start of Term 4
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Physiotherapy is available to students throughout the school terms.

Our physiotherapist are skilled in the areas of orthopedic, neurological and respiratory rehabilitation, have wide experience in the field of pediatrics and a particular interest in special needs. Physiotherapy can be provided individually, in small groups, or both depending upon the needs of the student. These needs are continually assessed and the level of intervention varied accordingly.

Students in Early Education are assessed for Gross and Fine Motor skills. Older children and students with more severe physical problems are also assessed clinically.

Our physiotherapists are active in the planning and implementation of the Perceptual Motor Program (PMP) and they are available to answer questions raised by parents and carers.

Once an intervention plan has been formulated, the physiotherapist works closely with classroom staff to ensure that appropriate equipment (e.g. chairs, tables, standing frames and tilt tables) is used and that poor postural habits are discouraged. Teachers keep the physiotherapist informed of changes in behaviour, gait, posture etc. which may indicate that further assessment or treatment is necessary.

Our physiotherapist are able to supply reports, supporting documentation and advice regarding the funding of special equipment for use at home, e.g. bathroom aids, wheelchairs, customized furniture, orthotics and walking aids. They will also liaise with other organizations and health professionals to ensure, for instance, that students are followed up appropriately following hospital admissions, or are referred to relevant doctors when necessary.